Current Tariff

Pursuant to the powers conferred on the Liberia Electricity Regulatory Commission (LERC) by sections 8, 13.4, and 13.7 of the 2015 Electricity Law of Liberia, the electricity tariff regulations and tariff methodology effective January 1, 2022 are as follows:

  • kWh = kilowatt-hour

Bulk Generation Charge

The Bulk Generation Charge provided in the table below is the weighted average rate at which Liberia Electricity Corporation shall procure or produce electricity for distribution and sale to consumers within its network from January 1, 2022.

Tariff Category Bulk Generation Charge
Bulk Generation US$0.1409 per kWh

Transmission Service Charge

The Transmission Service Charge provided in the table below is the rate applicable to the transmission of electricity by the Liberia Electricity Corporation from January 1, 2022.

Tariff Category Transmission Service Charge
Transmission Service US$0.0193 per kWh

Distribution Service Charge

The Distribution Service Charge (DSC) provided in the table below is the rate applicable to the distribution of electricity by Liberia Electricity Corporation within its network from January 1, 2022.

Tariff Category Distribution Service Charge
Distribution Service  US$0.0167 per kWh

End-User Tariffs

The End-User Tariffs (EUT} provided the table below are the rates and charges payable by customers within LEC’s network in the categories specified from January 1, 2022.

Number Customer Category Energy Charge ($/kWh) Fixed Charge ($/Month) Total End-user Tariff (Including GST)
Energy Charge ($/kWh) GST (10% of Energy Charge) Total Energy Charge + GST Fixed Charge ($/Month) GST (10% of Fixed Charge) Total Fixed Charge + GST
1 Social 0.150 0.015 0.165 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.165$/kWh
2 Residential Prepaid 0.240 0.024 0.264 2.480 0.248 2.728 0.264$/kWh + 2.728$/Month
3 Residential Postpaid 0.240 0.024 0.264 4.470 0.447 4.917 0.264$/kWh + 4.917$/Month
4 Non Residential Prepaid 0.220 0.022 0.242 10.000 1.000 11.000 0.242$/kWh + 11.00$/Month
5 Non Residential Postpaid 0.220 0.022 0.242 12.000 1.200 13.200 0.242$/kWh + 13.20$/Month
6 Medium Voltage 0.190 0.019 0.209 50.000 5.000 55.000 0.209$/kWh + 55.00$/Month


  • The End-User-Tariffs include a surcharge component of US$0.01 per kWh sold to cover LERC’s regulatory activities in accordance with Section 13.4 of the 2015 Electricity Law of Liberia
  • The tariffs are denominated in United States dollars (US$) and its units
  • The tariffs may be adjusted by the Commission in accordance with the Minor Tariff Review Principles of the Commission’s Multi-Year Tariff Methodology of May 2021
  • Subject to clause 6, the tariffs shall remain in force until they are reviewed by the Commission
  • The provisional tariffs approved by the Commission on September 21, 2020 are hereby revoked and replaced with the rates and charges contained in this publication


  • End-User Tariff (EUT) – means the rates per unit of electrical energy and charges payable by customers for electricity supplied.
  • Energy Charge – means the amount charged for energy consumed by customers in kilowatt-hour.
  • Fixed Charge – means a monthly charge intended to cover part of the service provider’s fixed costs.
  • kWh – means Kilowatt-Hour.
  • Non-residential Customer – means a customer that uses the premises for any purpose other than exclusively as a residence.
  • Medium Voltage Customer – means a customer who is supplied at the 22 kilovolts (kV) or 33 kV voltage levels.
  • Postpaid Customer – means a customer whose electricity consumption is measured by an energy meter that allows payment for electrical energy after it is used.
  • Prepaid Customer – means a customer whose electricity consumption is measured by an energy meter that allows payment for electrical energy before it is used.
  • Social Customer – Means a customer whose monthly energy consumption is either less than or equal to 50 kWh
  • Residential Customer – means a customer that uses the premises exclusively as a residence.