Mr. Moses Erving Farley

Executive Director


Mr. Moses Erving Farley serves as Executive Director for Donor Funded Projects. In this capacity, Mr. Farley is responsible for the coordination of all project activities and serves as a liaison between the Donors and Corporation. Prior to joining the LEC family, Mr. Farley served in various capacities in the engineering field including his service as Field/Design Engineer at the Rochester Gas and Electric (RG & E), Distribution Standards and Compliance Engineer at the Pennsylvania Power and Light (PPL) and as Senior Engineer with the National Rural Electric Cooperative (NRECA) a USAID sponsored contractor in Liberia. Before his elevation to Executive Director of Donor Funded Projects, Mr. Farley served as Director of Rural Electrification at the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC).

Mr. Farley holds a Bachelor of Science Degree (BSc) in Electrical Engineering from the New York State University at Buffalo and a Graduate Certificate in Power Systems and Energy from General Electric School of Energy Consulting. He is currently an MBA candidate with a concentration in Management at Desales University, Pennsylvania, USA.