Liberia Electricity Corporation
P.O.BOX 165
Waterside, Westpoint
Monrovia, Liberia
(Information & Public Affairs Department)
Public Service Announcement
Date: January 2, 2024
ATTENTION: Unauthorized Collection of Fees for Connections to LEC’s grip along the Schefflin-RIA Corridor
The Management of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) has received reports about unscrupulous individuals operating along the Schefflin-RIA corridor, requesting money from residents for connections to the LEC’s grid.
We wish to clarify that connections to the grid along the Schiefflin-RIA corridor are funded under the LEEAP Project and are provided FREE OF CHARGE. No payment should be made to any firm or individual claiming to be from or associated with the LEC for the connection and metering of residents or businesses within this project area. Anyone requesting payments from community dwellers should be promptly reported by calling our hotline number 4600, messaging us through our official Facebook page, or report to the nearest Liberia National Police station.
Any helpful information that could lead to the apprehension of these perpetrators will be highly appreciated.
Your cooperation in reporting any suspicious activities is crucial to maintaining the integrity of our services. Help us stop these unauthorized activities and protect your community.
We strongly advise those involved in such dishonorable practices to immediately cease their actions.
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.
The Management (LEC)