The Liberia Electricity Corporation has received financing from the World Bank towards the cost of the Regional Emergency Solar Power Intervention Project (RESPITE) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for Consultancy Services for a Gender-Based Violence Consultant for the Preparation and Implementation of a Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment prevention and response Action Plan(SEA/SH Action Plan) under the Regional Emergency Solar Power Intervention Project (RESPITE). LEC is currently implementing two ongoing World Bank-financed projects as indicated below.
The LEC is seeking the services of a consultant to serve as the Gender-Based Violence Consultant for the World Bank PIU and oversee Gender Based Violence aspects of the implementation of the World Bank-funded projects, including LESSAP and RESPITE and other World Bank-funded projects subject to discussion between LEC and the consultant.
The objective of the assignment is to provide effective Gender Based Violence for the Respite Liberia PIU, services of the World Bank-funded PIU.
The duration of this assignment is for a period of 80 working days within 12 months from signing of contract, subject to extension based on satisfactory performance of the consultant and availability of funding by the Donor.
please see full REOI below