Reference No. LR-LEC-361308-CS-INDV
The Liberia Electricity Corporation has received financing from the World Bank towards the cost of the Regional Emergency Solar Power Intervention Project (RESPITE) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for Consultancy Services for Environmental Specialist under the Regional Emergency Solar Power Intervention Project (RESPITE).
The LEC is seeking the services of a consultant to serve as the Environmental Specialist Consultant for the World Bank (PIU) to oversee environmental aspect of the implementation of the project and work closely with the Social Risk Management Specialist, Biodiversity Specialist, Gender-Based violence (GBV) specialist including PIU E&S staff and Mount Coffee Hydro Power Plant HSE team to ensure that the Project complies with National and World Bank Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs) of the ESF and other related policies of the World Bank.
The assignment shall be full time for a period of two years (24 months), upon which it can be renewed based on satisfactory performance, need, and available budget.
The scope of Services and Responsibilities includes:
- Review applicable national and World Bank operational policies, World Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) relevant Environmental and Social Standards (ESS) and project documents for the project in order to assess project activities for potential adverse environmental risks and impacts as well as planning and implementing impact mitigation measures;
- Support and monitor the implementation of environmental risks and impacts of the project Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP), and regularly discuss with the Project Director for RESPITE to ensure enough resources are captured in the project’s annual budget for the management of E&S risks and impacts, including regular supervision and monitoring activities
- Develop and/or contribute to Terms of Reference (TORs) for environmental and social management of proposed interventions;
- Accurately screen project sites identified for construction under the project, and ensure the screening process complies with the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF); and advise on the site-specific environmental risk management instruments required (e.g., Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs)/Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs etc.);
- Work with, advise, and supervise project consultants to undertake Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) studies, and Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) and other relevant ESF reports and review the documents/instruments prepared to ensure compliance with relevant environmental aspects required to manage project-related environmental risks and impacts;
- Coordinate with the RCU team to ensure that ESF aspects are implemented on the project and included in quarterly report submitted to the World Bank;
- Support and monitor progress in the implementation of the Project’s activities ensuring that national and World Bank ESF are fully complied with, and the reporting requirements are fulfilled including those prepared by external consultants;
- Develop and implement systems and processes for environmental standards due diligence under the project and ensure their adequacy and compliance at all levels;
- Support the PIU in the review of documentation pertaining to environmental compliance (including project designs, specifications, estimated costs of mitigation, bidding documents, contract agreement clauses, reviews on-site, Contractor ESMPs and other reports from contractors etc.) and to monitor the implementation of Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) based on Environmental and Social Audits;
- Participate in bid opening to ensure environmental and social clauses are incorporated or inserted into bidding/contract documents to ensure compliance of civil works.
- Identify training needs and prepare training materials, conduct necessary health, safety and environmental technical training workshops for PIU staff, contractors, supervising engineer, project implementation agencies and other stakeholders on ESF.
- Monitor/audit environmental trainings delivered by the Engineer, Construction contractors and the Operators;
- Review and approve Contractor’s ESMP and other relevant HSE plans prior to commencement of works and liaise with the Social Specialist & Gender Consultant to address pertinent community-related issues;
- Work closely with PIU team members which including Social Specialist & Gender Consultant, Biodiversity specialist, Project Engineers, Procurement Specialist, Project Coordinator as well as PFM and implementing partners to ensure compliance with the World Bank Environment and Social (E&S) Standards, and all relevant environmental standards and are reflected in bidding documents, including monitoring of contractor compliance with their contractual commitments. ;
- Develop a timetable for field visits and undertake supervision visits to sub-project sites and ascertain if sub-projects are implemented in an environmentally and social sustainable manner
- Develop ESF compliance monitoring templates and monitor and ensure contractor’s compliance with ESS requirements throughout the project life;
- Ensure adequate environmental ESS monitoring records and documentation are kept, with adequate documentation of stakeholder consultations on issues;
- Ensure environmental considerations are included in all works being implemented in the project, and integrate disaster and climate resilient design approaches, including eco-system-based approaches in the design.
- Ensure that contractors and consultants engaged by the PIU/LEC are fully acquainted with international environmental management practices, World Bank ESF and applicable E&S national laws and polices such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Liberia’s guidelines.
- Serve as the liaison between the PIU/LEC and the EPA of Liberia.
- Ensure that all the required approvals and environmental permits are obtained and the contractors are aware of the conditions of issued permits before the commencement of any civil works;
- Ensure that contractors have a mechanism in place for management of occupational health & safety (OHS), environmental & social (E & S), aspects of the project, and liaise with the supervision/site engineer to ensure that the contractor’s OHS plan is properly implemented.
- Alert the Project Coordinator of any severe accident or incident related to the Project which has, or is likely to have, a significant adverse effect on the environment and/or the affected communities, the public or Project workers.
- Participate in stakeholder consultation processes with respect to environmental issues where possible.
- Prepare regular monthly and quarterly reports on the implementation of environmental risks and impacts of the project and ensure reports are shared with the PIU and World Bank in a timely manner as per the ESCP.
- Work with the social specialist, GBV consultant and other PIU staff to ensure the appropriate Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) protocols are put in place and implemented under the project.
- The environmental specialist shall report directly to the Project Coordinator and carry out reporting obligations as is set out in this TOR.
- Undertake any tasks assigned by the Project Coordinator in relation to environmental risk management for the achievement of the overall project objectives.
Detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) for the assignment can be obtained by submitting a request to the email addresses indicated at the end of the REOI.
The Liberia Electricity Corporation now invites eligible and selected Individual Consultants (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services that includes a signed Expressions of interest (EOI), a detailed curriculum vitae, at least three contactable references, and copies of academic and professional qualifications. The shortlisted candidates will be invited for oral interviews. The shortlisting criteria is listed below:
- Must have at least Master’s degree in environmental science, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Management, Natural Resource Management or any other related field of environmental studies.
- Minimum of 10 years of relevant work experience in areas such as: environmental sustainability, environmental and social standards, environmental performance, compliance, and monitoring in the public or private sector with at least 5 years of direct relevant experience in similar role/operation is vital.
- Knowledge and experience of the Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia national environmental laws, regulations, procedures, and policies.
- Proven experience and knowledge of the World Bank Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) and Environmental and Social Standards (ESS) is required
- Proven knowledge in sustainable development financing and environmental and social risk management.
- Proven experience in engaging with government counterparts and facilitating among various stakeholders
- Proven experience of implementing donor-funded Projects
- Experience with electricity utility companies is desirable.
- Familiarity with Liberian environmental conditions is an added advantage.
- The candidate must be computer literate, with high proficiency in Computer software operations (Microsoft Word, Excel, Power-Point and data-base management etc.);
- Strong communications, analytical, writing and presentation skills with an advanced proficiency to speak and write in English is required
- Strong aptitude and proven record of working with teams that include support staff, professional staff, and development partners
- Strong interpersonal and diplomatic skills with capacity to interact effectively with a range of stakeholders
- Ability to work independently with minimal supervision;
- Highly motivated with the ability to coordinate multiple projects/ tasks simultaneously in a high-pressure environment;
- Be a Liberian. Female candidates are in particular encouraged to apply.
The Consultant must have minimum qualifications and experience as per the Terms of Reference. The Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultants Selection method set out in the Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers (July 2016 as Revised in November 2017 and August 2018, and November 2020).
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours, i.e., 0900 to 1600 hours GMT, Monday to Friday.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in written form to the address below via email on or before Friday June 23, 2023, with subject: “Consultancy Services for Environmental Specialist under the Regional Emergency Solar Power Intervention Project (RESPITE)”.
Executive Director for Projects
Liberia Electricity Corporation
P.O. Box 10-165 Waterside
Water Street,
1000 Monrovia, Liberia
Email: and copied to