Planned Outages : June 13 – June 17


The Liberia Electricity Corporation wishes to inform its valued customers and the general public of its upcoming Planned Outages to run from June 13 through June 17, 2023 for eight (8) hours beginning at 9:00 am to end at 5:00 pm daily. These outages are being carried out to enable us undertake major network upgrades, involving Stringing of Transmission Lines, Erection of Poles, Maintenance Activities, Transformer Replacement and Energizing Activities, etc. These undertaking will result to more stable supply of electricity and an increase in access to electricity which will also lead to a reduction in power theft.

Dates & Areas to be affected by these works are as follows:

Paynesville Congo Town Feeder

June 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17

Areas to be Affected are:

AB Tolbert Road, Paynesville Joe Bar, LBS Community, Lover Street Community, G.S.A Road, Rock Hill Community, Rehab Community, RLJ Community, Thinker Village, Jamaica Resort, Rehab Junction up to Cooper Farm.

Gardnesville Redlight Feeder

June 13/ 15

Areas to be Affected are:

Borbor Island, Truck Garage Community, Amargashe Community, MVTC, St. Francis Junction, Chicken Farm, Ghana Parking station, Zota Community, South Africa community, 72nd Kpelle Town, 72nd Boulevard, 72nd Old-Coal Field, Ground Pea Warehouse, Red-light, Daniel Chea Junction, Morris’s Farm community, Parker Paint Community, Coco-Cola Factory Community, Omega Market, FDA Community, Barnard Farm Community, Mt. Barclay Check-point

Gardnesville Johnsonville Feeder

June 13

Areas to be Affected are:

Chicken Soup Factory, Stephen Tolbert Estate, Double Bridge Community, Opposite MVTC, New Hope Junction, New Hope Community, Black Gen, Morde Town Community, Paynesville Rehab Community, James N. Block Factory Community, Neezoe Junction, Neezoe community, Pipeline Supermarket up to Johnsonville Turning Point, Mt. Barclay road up to Modern Hotel.

Gardnesville Stockton Creek 22

June 15

Areas to be Affected are:

Dry Rice Market Community, Kru Hill Community, Pepper Wu Town, Johnsonville Police Station.

Paynesville Duport Road Feeder

June 16/ 17

Areas to be Affected are:

Zone 5 community, Du-Port Road Total Gas Station up to Benson Hospital, Du-Port Road junction up to Du-Port Road Cow Field communities, Du-Port Road Waterside, Du-Port Road Market, Zubah Town.

Kindly note that schedule implementation is subject to change without notice to address emergencies and other indeterminate circumstances as they may occur. For more information, please check our website .