Planned Outages for October 24 – October 28, 2023


The Liberia Electricity Corporation wishes to inform its valued customers and the general public of its upcoming Planned Outages to run from October 24 to October 28, 2023, for eight (8) hours beginning at 9:00 am to end at 5:00 pm daily. These outages are being carried out to enable us to undertake major network upgrades, involving Stringing of Transmission Lines, Erection of Poles, Maintenance Activities, Vegetation Clearance, Transformer Replacement and Energizing Activities, etc. These undertakings will result in a more stable supply of electricity and an increase in access to electricity which will also lead to a reduction in power theft.


Dates & Areas to be affected by these works are as follows:


Paynesville Duport Road Feeder

October 24, 2023

Time : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Areas to be Affected are:

Duport Road Total Gas Station, JFK Mental Home, Duport Road Market, Harmon Fields, Duport Waterside, Plummer Community, Bish. Kulah community, Fahnbulleh Road, Palm Wine Station, Zubah Town.


Gardnesville Stockton Creek 22

October 24, 2023

Time : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Areas to be affected are:

Barnesville Junction, Day Break Mouth Open, Patient Shop, Maryland Center, Dry Rice Market, Johnsonville Road, Saah Store, Kru Hill, Johnsonville Police Station, 1603 community, Bend & Stop, Barnesville estate, Kebah Road, Small St. Michael Catholic School, New Georgia Junction, Club 66, New Georgia estate, Iron Factory, Battery Factory, National Pint Factory


Congo Town Back Road Feeder

October 25, 2023

October 26, 2023

Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Areas to be Affected are:

S.D. Cooper Road, NP Gas Station, Golden Gate, Golden Key, S.K.D. Sport Complex, Cement Hill, King Gray, Studio Junction, ELWA Hospital, ELWA Market, ELWA Community, pepper Fish Community, Snowe Community, LTA office


Kle Tubmanburg Feeder

October 25, 2023

Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Areas to be Affected are:

Snowe Farm, Tubmanburg


Kle Po. River Feeder

October 25, 2023

Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Areas to be Affected are:

Kle, Golodee, St. Paul Bridge


Kle Madina Feeder

October 25, 2023

Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Areas to be Affected are:

Madina, Sanji, Robertsport, Bo. Waterside.


Mount Coffee Express Feeder

October 26, 2023

Time : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Areas to be affected are:

Beer Factory, Clora Factory, Caldwell community, Dixville community, Sand Beach, Louisiana community, White Plain, NSA office, Mount Coffee community


Congo Town Ministerial Complex Feeder

October 27, 2023

Time : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Areas to be affected are:

Old Road SP Gas station, Tupee Taylor Curve, the entire Old Road, Congo Town Police Station, Joe Taye community, Peace Island community, Ministerial Complex, White Flower, In God we Trust-Building 72nd Boulevard Junction, Swakamore Community


Point – 4 Feeder

October 27, 2023

Time : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Areas to be affected are:

New Kru Town, Point – 4, Duala, St. Paul Bridge, Coast Guard Base, Star Base.


Kindly note that schedule implementation is subject to change without notice to address emergencies and other indeterminate circumstances as they may occur. For more information, please check our website .