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Reference: GOL/LEC/CQS/ESIA/001/2023


Issue Date: June 18, 2024

Deadline:   July 2, 2024


1. Background

1.1 The Project

With the assistance of Development Financing Institutions, the Government of Liberia, and the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) are implementing ambitious programs to extend the electrical infrastructures and increase the generation capacity. Under development is a pipeline of initiatives that includes the connection of Liberia to the Côte d'Ivoire-Liberia-Sierra Leone-Guinea (CLSG) regional network, the extension of Mount Coffee Hydropower plant, and the new Saint Paul HPP. The goal of installing 90 MW of solar energy has been established. Mount Coffee hydropower plant technical issues and a severe drought have placed the electricity system at risk and compelled LEC to implement load shedding. Therefore, there is an imperative need to increase the country's generation capacity in order to enhance the energy supply and expand access to electricity.

In light of this, the LEC intends to enter into a flexible leasing arrangement with Release and IFC to create a minimum of 15 MWp of solar photovoltaic (PV) and a 10 MWh battery storage (BESS) system to be connected to the Schieffelin substation on the ELWA Highway, which connects Monrovia to the international airport. All project equipment is preassembled and transported in containers, allowing for speedy and effective deployment on site. The trackers tables are installed on site thanks to ground anchors that avoid using any concrete foundations. Concrete foundations will only be necessary to install the substations and other electrical equipment.

The site is around 45 to 50 ha with limited vegetation consisting of grass and small bushes/trees. Some exclusion zones are considered as part of the layout to accommodate for potential wetlands and densely vegetated areas observed during the site visit. The exact coordinates and the plant layout will be provided at the begging of the study. The site including all vegetation (above 20 cm) will have to be cleared and leveled, drained and fenced.

E&S impacts for the project auxiliary and associated facilities (e.g., transmission line from the site to the closest substation, access roads, accommodation camp, etc.) will be assessed, especially related to the right of way. The consultant shall compare different options for the line path: straight line from the site to the substation (700m) or along the access road and the highway (1400m).

LEC, as the lessee, will be responsible for securing the site and clearing it. LEC will ultimately be responsible, with the support of the Consultant, for undertaking the environmental and social impact assessment and applying for the environmental permit for the PV site but also for any associated facilities (i.e., the transmission line). The Solar PV plant project aims to provide a quick and flexible option for constructing a PV and battery storage power plant and to give the country with a low-cost, clean, and dependable power supply. The plant is delivered on a flexible leasing arrangement with a five-year initial term.



The objective of the assignment is to engage the services of an environmental consulting firm to conduct an environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) and its respective Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for the proposed project (including all defined associated and ancillary facilities). The Consultant shall ensure that the ESIA outputs of this assignment comply with and meet the legal and technical requirements of the Government of Liberia (GoL) and the applicable reference framework mentioned above. The Consultant shall ensure that all beneficial and adverse impacts associated with all phases of the project, including all associated/ancillary works and linked activities if any, are assessed and considered.


The purpose of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment is to:

  • Determine the environmental and social (E&S) baseline conditions at the project’s area of influence.
  • Assess the E&S risks and impacts (direct; indirect; and cumulative impacts due to existing projects in the project area) resulting from the construction and operation of the Project;
  • Identify appropriate/effective/practicable mitigation measures, and develop E&S management and monitoring programs, based on a clearly articulated mitigation hierarchy (avoid/minimize/mitigate/compensate-and/or-offset);
  • Undertake Social Impact assessment of the project area to determine the need for RAP assessment under the project;
  • Conduct community consultation exercise in the project’s immediate vicinity (5 km);
  • Throughout the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment process, effectively identify and consult stakeholders and their representatives, members of the general public, and other key stakeholders in relation to potential project benefits and negative E&S impacts and demonstrate that stakeholder’s views have been incorporated into the project E&S design.



The scope of the assignment includes the following:

The consultant shall develop the ESIA report and the ESMP based on both primary and secondary data collection and analysis; and shall undertake the following work to meet the baseline environmental and social assessment requirements for the project site and associated facilities in line with the IFC Performance Standards (2012) and Equator Principles (2020):


3.1. Alternative Analysis

As part of the ESIA process, the consultant shall carry out alternative analysis of the Project and associated facilities. This should build on the alternatives considered by the Government and related studies/surveys.

The alternative analysis, inter alia, shall examine potential application of mitigation hierarchy of avoidance, minimization, mitigation, and offsetting/ compensation of the adverse impacts. The alternative analysis shall compare “with” and “without project” scenarios of potential adverse impacts. The Consultant shall compare alternatives in terms of potential environmental impacts, capital and operating costs, suitability under local conditions, and institutional, training and monitoring requirements, etc.

3.2. Baseline Conditions

The baseline characterization of the project site including the auxiliary and associated facilities (e.g., TL, access roads, accommodation camp, etc.) and the area of influence should include:

  1. Legal framework
  • Description of the regulations, system and requirements for environmental licensing and land ownership, and other authorizations necessary for the implementation of the project components and works. Shall also include the identification of the institutions responsible at the respective levels of government and a brief description of roles and functions of each of the institutions.
  • State applicable international obligations and agreements (e.g., Multilateral Environmental Agreements) that must be complied with
  • Identify any gaps between national legislation international standards/guidelines while acknowledging that higher standards will be used. Emphasis should be given to stipulations in national or local law that may impede compliance with international respective guidance or vice versa. In these cases, practical solutions need to be found in collaboration with the implementing partner and included in the ESMP.
  1. Physical environment, including:
  • Geology, watershed, landslides, and erosion: Include topography/ terrain, geology and geomorphology and slope stability & landslide/soil erosion risk zones (noting the geological conditions, slope steepness, vegetation type, etc., status and trend)
  • Seismicity and stability characteristics
  • Water, rivers and hydrology: Rivers, their natures, floods and disasters, etc.
  • Physical cultural resources: Identify and characterize any sites, structures, or natural features and landscapes– above ground, underground, or underwater – that are of archaeological, paleontological, historical, architectural, religious, aesthetic, or other cultural significance, including tourism and recreation sites. Indicate whether any identified cultural resources are subject to special treatment under national law.


  1. Infrastructure-related aspects
  • For each human settlement identified in Project area of influence, describe the infrastructure in or serving the settlement, including the following information:
    • Transportation infrastructure, location and condition of all existing roads, erosion and sediment control, maintenance programs (what, when and whom), description of anticipated third‐party improvements (government or other entity)
    • Traffic patterns and densities on roads within affected project vicinity, safety levels and current circulation issues, and capacity
    • Public health infrastructure – drinking water supplies and treatment, wastewater treatment and management, solid and hazardous waste management and treatment, communications infrastructure, energy infrastructure such as type of energy, source and availability, fuel storage facilities, etc.
  1. Biological environment, including:
  • Protected areas mapping
  • Characterization of terrestrial flora, fauna, and natural habitats: migratory and endemic species (including any applicable conservation or protection status, and IUCN Red List status), economically or culturally important species, and others which play important ecological functions as food sources or habitat for identified key species; migratory/ movement routes of birds and animals; habitat mapping
  • Identification of biodiversity hotspots (based on the above) and/or identification of critical habitat that potentially occur in the Project area of influence.
  1. Socioeconomic environment, including:
  • Demography and ethnicity: Develop a demographic and ethnic profile of the population in the project area based on representative qualitative and quantitative household and village surveys. For communities specifically affected by the project, describe in detail their history, physical spread, social clustering, cultural and traditional characteristics, interactions, and relations among various groups. Also discuss formal and informal institutions, social networks and social support systems, and their capacity and functioning, development needs and challenges. In addition to socio-economic aspects of the study area, a separate chapter on socio-cultural aspects based upon study on ethnography of the area to be included.
  • Religion and culture: Provide relevant information on community festivals, rituals and religious and cultural monuments, practices, knowledge, skills, instruments, and other key resources to be affected by the project and its associated facilities.
  • Socioeconomic development status: Map out the socioeconomic development status of the project area, including resource conditions, economic activities, employment sources and trends, infrastructure, and service provision (education, transport, extension services, etc.), as well as local development needs, priorities, challenges, and planned or ongoing development interventions.
  • Livelihood activities: Characterize economic and subsistence-oriented livelihood activities, both for communities residing within the project area of influence as well as for individuals or industries which depend on resources in the area of influence, including activities related to fisheries, forestry or forest products, or other natural resources, as well as agriculture and industry (e.g., tourism). Access to natural resources and their significance to local communities and livelihoods. Discuss gender related workload sharing and family economy; dependency and use of local and external resources; and production and marketing systems and patterns.
  • Community health: Provide an overview of key health issues, focusing on the presence of any disease which may become more prevalent in the area due to the project (e.g., waterborne and communicable diseases), as well as the coverage and quality of health services available in the project area.
  1. Land management, usage and ownership patterns
  • Land use: Characterize current land uses and indicate major trends in land use change which are taking place irrespective of the proposed project. Identify rural and urban areas including identification of areas with urbanization potential.
  • Land tenure: Characterize types of land tenure (e.g., titles, customary), formal and informal institutions related to land tenure, and modes of land transactions in the project area
  • Land use and changes due to the Project, associated and ancillary facilities.

Other baseline conditions to be considered include:

  • soil resources,
  • water resources,
  • air and climate,
  • noise and vibration,
  • cultural, archaeological, ceremonial, and historic resources
  • vulnerable and indigenous peoples


3.3. Impact assessment and analysis

The ESIA shall provide information on potential impacts (direct, indirect, and cumulative) and the magnitude and frequency of potential impacts on physical, biological, social‐economic‐cultural resources resulting from construction, operation, and closure of the proposed project, associated and auxiliary facilities and alternatives.

Impacts on the different components of the physical, biological and socioeconomic environments will be assessed using good practice ESIA techniques (e.g., modelling, risk assessment, professional judgement, etc.) and through consistent and transparent application of a consultant-defined impact assessment methodology which would consider, amongst others if applicable:

  • Nature of impact (positive or negative)
  • Type of impact (direct or indirect)
  • Magnitude of impact
  • Impact likelihood
  • Duration and extent of the impact
  • Reversibility of the impact
  • Sensitivity, importance and vulnerability of the resource or receptor
  • Defined quantitative limits (e.g., emission limits and air quality standards), etc.

The impact study will also identify potential improvement opportunities and define technically and financially feasible measures to avoid, or where avoidance is not possible, minimise, mitigate, or compensate adverse impacts (as per the Mitigation Hierarchy). The Consultant should present in the ESIA report a significance rating for each impact (without and with application of mitigation measures). Finally, the impact assessment will present the residual impacts subsequent to the application of mitigation and enhancement measures and also any cumulative impacts.


3.4. Environmental and social management plan

As result of the assessment, the Consultant shall Develop an overall framework ESMP based on the findings of the assessment process and details on all recommended measures to be taken during construction and operation of the project to avoid, minimize, mitigate, compensate and/or offset the identified adverse environmental and social impacts, as well as the recommended specific actions and indicators for monitoring and evaluation.

The ESMP will present the identified mitigation measures and monitoring requirements in an overall tabular format of an ESMP or framework management with allocated responsibilities and tentative budget for construction and operation phase.

The consultant shall also prepare a detailed cost estimate of all the activities needed to implement the Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan (ESMMP). The monitoring plan should set out the key indicators and parameters to be monitored over the life of the project, including specific activities, monitoring methodologies, frequencies, monitoring methodologies, required budgets, and responsible entities to carry out monitoring for each of the above-mentioned sub-plans as well as to follow up on monitoring outcomes. Follow up processes should include processes to identify root causes and correct non-compliances (including through remedial measures if required), as well as to enable continuous evaluation of overall performance and adjustments to management measures and arrangements as needed to enhance overall project sustainability.


3.5. Environmental permitting

The consultant shall ensure that all the Liberia EPA requirements are met, keeping the EPA informed of each stage of the project. The consultant shall follow all procedures and processes as well as prepare and submit all reports required for obtaining an environmental permit from the EPA of Liberia.

The consultant will be responsible for publishing in local papers at his/her own cost the Notice of Intent (NOI) for the ESIA, other public notices, including the announcement of the availability of the final document for public disclosure. The consultant will be responsible for the delivery at his/her own cost of all project deliverables to EPA and LEC.

 The Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.

4. Consultant’s Qualifications

The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study shall be conducted by an EPA-certified firm that have significantly demonstrated experience in ESIA preparation for power delivery facilities.

 The Consultant is expected to have the qualifications, skills and experience to execute this assignment. The Consultant will be selected based on demonstrated expertise and years of relevant experience in the following areas: environmental and social expertise of the development of large infrastructure projects in emerging markets, PV projects, and regional/country experience. The key personnel shall have the necessary qualifications as described below including a team leader, a second expert and a non-key staff or field assistants with experience in Liberia. The composition of the team of key experts for this assignment shall be balanced to include both environmental expert/specialist and a social development expert/specialist.

  • Team Leader: The overall team leader must have a minimum of a master’s degree in environmental science/engineering or Social Science or related field with at least Ten (10) years of experience of conducting environmental and social impact assessment studies and preparing Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Reports for power delivery facilities. Experience in ESIA preparation for donor-financed projects in developing countries, particularly in Africa and preferably in Liberia, will be considered as an advantage.
  • Second Expert - Must have a minimum of a Master’s Degree in Environmental Resource Management and Social Development, respectively or Environmental and Social Impact Assessment or related field, with at least 5 years’ post-qualification practical experience in environmental and social safeguards.
  • Non-key Expert- Must have a minimum Bachelor’s degree in environmental, biological sciences or a closely related field of study. He or she must have at least 2 years’ experience in the preparation of Environmental and Social Impact Assessments.

A firm will be selected in accordance with the Consultant’s Qualification Selection Method set out in the Consultant Guidelines of the Public Procurement and Concessions Act (PPCA).

Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub consultancy to enhance their qualifications. Interested firms may obtain further information from the LEC at the address below during office hours 9.00 to 17:00 hours. Further information and the TOR for the assignment can be obtained electronically at the email addresses and Website below.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by e-mail) by 17 Hour GMT, on Tuesday, July 2, 2024 Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.


  • The address referred to above is:
  • Attn: Chief Executive Officer
    • Liberia Electricity Corporation
    • O Box 10 – 165 Waterside
    • 1000 Monrovia, 10 Liberia
    • E-Mail:
    • Website:

Statement of Non-Discrimination

We do not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of our activities or operations.

These activities include, but are not limited to, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all volunteers, subcontractorsand vendors.